- Knowledge of the past makes
it possible to act in present in more rationally. Studying
history of cosmonautics is not only of purely scientific,
but also of great practical value. Today historical
investigations in this direction are especially important,
for due to tough secrecy of recent times, interdisciplinary
discussions on many space problems virtually have to
be begun anew.
program's coordinator
The aim of the program:
study the history of cosmonautics and related branches of science
and technology
Main program's directions:
ascertaining principles and tendencies
of cosmonautics' historical evolution working out mechanisms for
coordination of studies in the history of cosmonautics assisting
application of the Law of Russian Federation on State's Secret
to declassifying documents concerning history of cosmonautics
The program includes the following
"Exchange" - permanent teleconferencies on
the history of cosmonautics.
"Decree" - assistance to publication of declassified
governmental resolutions concerning cosmonautics.
"Bank-CH" - forming the data base on the history
of cosmonautics.
"Secret" - working out alternative approaches
to defining the data subject to classification in field
of cosmonautics.