The Institute of Space Policy
I S P Rassian page The main directions of activities Some ISP projects Programs Connect Russian Military Space
The Institute of Space Policy (ISP) was founded in May 1993
by the Russian Space Agency, the Russian Academy of Law of the Ministry of Justice and the expert firm "JurEc".
ISP is supported by governmental bodies and was joint by a number of leading
organizations of space complex of Russia.

Some ISP projects

  • Development and substantiation of the frameworks for the state management of the space activities for new Russia.

    This work was performed in autumn, 1991, before the Institute was formally established. However, future Institute’s researchers were initiators and major participants of those works. The other works of that period include the Russian Cosmonautics Concept preparation and development of the Draft of the Russia Federation Law on Space Activity. The law was later approved and inured.

    After the Institute’s formal establishment, the following projects were implemented:

    • Review and analysis of the space projects not covered by the Federal Space Program (Russian Space Agency contract);
    • Review and database creation on the legislative acts dealing with the space activities (Russian Space Agency contract);
    • Report on the economical issues of the space activities (Russian Space Agency contract);
    • Review of the typical international contracts (Russian Space Agency contract);
    • Report on some issues of the aerospace education (Russian Space Agency contract, in the framework of the National Space Education Program). Later ISP researchers were active participants and led some workgroups during preparation of the National Space Education Program drafts in 1998-2000.
    • Statistic survey and data analysis on the future of the Russian cosmonautics (Academy of Cosmonautics contract);
    • Review of the technology transfer issues (Russian Security Counsel contract (now this state body is eliminated));
    • Review of the technology transfer issues in the Sea Launch project (Russian Security Counsel contract (now this state body is eliminated));
    • Draft of the Technology Transfer Law (Russian Technology Transfer Center contract);
    • Database creation on the legislature dealing with the space activity (TsNIIMASh contract);
    • Review of the legislative drafts (Contract of the Russian Counsel of Federation);
    • Russian Space Industry Guide (federation of American Scientists contract, see

    Also, a number of the analytical reports were issued on the confidential basis, including reports on the rocket engine projects’ policy and law environment, as well as on the Baikonur use issues, etc.

    07 november 2001