The Institute of Space Policy
I S P Rassian page The main directions of activities Some ISP projects Programs Connect Russian Military Space

ISP is distinguished by interdisciplinary approach to the problems and program-to-goal method of working.

ISP is based on initiative studies of specialists of governmental bodies, scientific institutes, design bureaus and industrial enterprises.

ISP is a free association of creative groups and experts in the domain of cosmonautics.


The main directions of activities:

  • researching in aerospace education and culture;
  • monitoring information flows on space related matters;
  • estimating demand for space techniques and technologies;
  • investigating managerial aspects of space activities, tendencies of space science and industry development;
  • analyzing economic trends in cosmonautics;
  • elaborating legal problems of space activities;
  • studying history of astronautics and related branches of science and technology
07 november 2001